Echo Audiology: Hearing & Audiology Clinic Orléans

How Can a Hearing Aid Fitting Be Fun and Rewarding?

Getting hearing aids should be an enjoyable and informative experience, and at Echo Audiology in Orléans, we strive to make it just that. Our Audiologists are dedicated to ensuring you have a comfortable and positive journey towards better hearing. Over the years, we’ve happily answered many questions from our patients about getting fitted for new

What Key Factors Should You Consider When Buying Hearing Aids in Ottawa?

Is age the only factor that leads to hearing loss? As you age, you may experience hearing loss, but it can affect younger individuals too. Regardless of your age or how you developed hearing loss, choosing the right hearing aids is crucial. Let’s explore the essential factors to consider when making this important decision.  What

Want Effective Communication Despite Hearing Loss? Discover Proven Strategies!

Communication is the cornerstone of our daily lives, allowing us to connect, share, and engage with others. But when hearing loss enters the picture, it can challenge this fundamental function. So, how can you enhance communication with hearing loss? Here’s a helpful guide from Echo Audiology:  How Can You Improve Listening with Hearing Loss?  How

What is the first sign of hearing loss? 

Recognizing the Signs of Hearing Loss  If you suspect that you might be experiencing hearing difficulties, it’s crucial to be aware of the common indicators. Here are ten typical signs that may indicate you should consider visiting an Audiologist for a hearing assessment:  Don’t Wait to Seek Help for Your Hearing Problems  Hearing loss often

How do We Hear?

Understanding The Hearing System The hearing system is quite complex. However, it can be broken down into 3 main parts: the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. In each section, there are structures that play a role in allowing us to hear in our daily environments.  Outer Ear  What comprises the Outer

Why is Hearing Health So Important?

Audiology is a health science and a rehabilitative health care profession. Audiologists study similar University Programs as other professionals we know such as Speech-Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists. However, their day-to-day tasks are more like those of an Optometrist. Audiologists evaluate everything related to your ear and your hearing. They gather information, take measurements, counsel,

The Connection between Stress, Listening Fatigue and Hearing Loss

Insights from the Audiologists at your Trusted Audiology Clinic in Ottawa Have you been feeling extremely exhausted after listening to people speak for a long time? This could be happening because: You may be experiencing hearing loss, which is making your brain work really hard to process sounds, and tiring you out faster, OR You

Sudden Onset Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can occur gradually or with sudden onset. At Echo Audiology, your Orléans hearing clinic, we take your hearing seriously. Sudden Onset Hearing Loss may be mistaken for something else. If you suspect Sudden Onset Hearing Loss, contact Echo Audiology, your Orléans hearing clinic, immediately to schedule a priority assessment appointment. A Sudden Onset

Understanding The Hearing System

The hearing system is quite complex. However, it can be broken down into 3 main parts: the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. In each section, there are structures that play a role in allowing us to hear in our daily environments. Outer Ear The Outer Ear is comprised of the pinna,